VaVaVoom Valentine Vintage Burlesque
A Naughty & Nice Vintage Burlesque with Jesse Gomez crooning Sexy love songs with Love Kittens Purrrlesque Burlesque
This is an 18+ production
- February 13,14, 20, 21
- General Admission $28.00 / $32.00 at door
- VIP seating in the front two rows $36.00 / $40.00 at door
- Box Office is open one hour prior to each performance.
- Performances Start at 7:00 pm thru 8:30 pm Call or Text 608-397-3752 for direct purchase or questions
Make it a special event and have dinner at Pogreba Restaurant before the performance only 1 block away
Tickets Still Available...
You can purchase your tickets now, so you don’t miss out.